Oversea Opportunity

Explore New Horizons with Franchise China!

Kavin Intertrade Co.,Ltd. invites you to unlock new business horizons at the prestigious China Franchise Expo 62nd Edition, taking place from May 31 to June 2, 2024, at the China National Convention Center in Beijing.


  • Connect with 8,900+ franchise brands
  • Showcase to 1.53 million specialists globally
  • Benefit from 30,000 sq.m of exhibition scale

Event Details:
Date: May 31 – June 2, 2024

Venue: China National Convention Center (CNCC)

Edition: 62nd

Website: www.chinafranchiseexpo.com

Booth Options:
Raw Space: USD 290/sq.m (Min 27 sq.m)

Standard Booth: USD 310/sq.m (Min 9 sq.m at USD 2,790)

(standard package includes )
(Includes: wall panels, carpet, table, chairs, waste basket, fascia, Source of electricity, 1 Spot led)

Reserve your space